Letter to submit the Servants/Maid details

Picture of Hemant Joshi
Hemant Joshi
Senior Manager - CRM & New Business
Letter to submit the Servants/Maid details
Mr. / Mrs.____________________________
Flat/ Shop No. ___________
Society Name__________________________
Society Address________________________
The Chairman / Secretary
Society Name__________________________
Society Address________________________
Respected Sir,
Subject: Details of the servants / maids working in Flat/Shop No._________
I, the undersigned, Mr. / Mrs. ______________________________________________ residing in Flat / Shop No._________ herewith submit the details of servants / maids working my Shop/Flat for your records.
I understand that these details could be used by the office and/or governing authorities, in case of unforseen conditions and extend my full support for the initiative.
Thanks & Regards
Yours Sincerely,
Members’ Signature: ________________________
Name: ___________________________________
Date: ___________________
Full Name
Present Address

Contact Details
Working From
: _____________________________________
: ______________
: ______________
: _____________________________________
: _____________________________________
: _____________________________________
: _____________________________________
: _____________________________________
: _____________________________________
Full Name
Present Address

Contact Details
Working From
: _____________________________________
: ______________
: ______________
: _____________________________________
: _____________________________________
: _____________________________________
: _____________________________________
Photo 35mm x 35mm

Working Time
Identification Proof
Residence Proof
if working in any
other Shop/Flat

: From ________ To ________ Residing / Full-time (8hrs) / Part-time
: _____________________________________
: _____________________________________
: ______________________________
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