Members have to obtain prior permission to carry out any civil, painting or carpentry work in their respective flats and must follow the rules as prescribed by the society. Any non-adherence of these rules will impose a penalty of Rs.1000/- per incident.
Any members who are seeking permission to carry out renovation/alteration in their respective flats need to pay a cheque of Rs.25,000/- as a Security deposit to society prior to obtaining necessary permissions. The security deposit cheque will be released only after confirming the work is done as agreed and after formal inspection by MC members. Any non-adherence of these rules will impose a penalty of Rs.1000/- per incident.
Members have to carry out their work within their flat only. Uses of refugee flats, floor lobby area, stair cases or podium area are not allowed to carry out the work, unless it is permitted by the society. Any work that creates noise can not be done between 2:00pm to 4:00pm or after 7:00pm. Any non-adherence of this rule will impose a penalty of Rs.1000/- per incident.
Members carrying any items for their civil work using elevators, they must ensure that the elevator and floor lobby area are clean or not messed up. Any tall items more than 6 feet must be taken through the stair cases, not via elevator. Misuse of lift is not permitted. All materials can be transported only using the service lift only. Any non-adherence of this rule will impose a penalty of Rs.1000/- per incident.
Any damage to the elevator due to shifting of house hold goods or shifting of any items for civil or renovation work will be charged on actual. Shifting of such items will be allowed between 10:00am and 6:00pm.
Before seeking or obtaining any permission from society related to NOC for bank loan, transfer of flat owner, requesting share certificate, rental agreement, address proof certificate, club house membership, additional parking lots, renovation/alteration/ painting/furniture work etc. member have to clear all pending dues till current month before applying for the request and the request needs to be made 2 weeks in advance.
Members who wants to rent their flat(s), it is now made as mandatory to submit 12 months post dated cheques for maintenance bills before obtaining the permission from society.
Members who wants to rent their flat(s), it is now mandatory to submit the registration papers, police verification, tenant bio-data etc. altogether at the society office 2 days prior to obtain permission from the society.
Either tenant or owner have to pay Rs.6000/- to society office by cheque in advance before the tenant moves to this building. Our security will not allow any movement unless the amount is paid to society office and the security is informed about the movement by the society office.
Tenancy (flat giving on rent) is subject to approval by society MC.
All members must park their vehicle(s) in their respective and designated parking lots. Any additional vehicle(s) or guest vehicle(s) must be outside the society boundary. Vehicle(s) can not be parked blocking passage or roads for others. Any illegal parking within the society complex will impose a penalty of Rs.500/- with no exception. The vehicle will be clamped till the penalty amount is paid by member or member’s guest.
Two wheeler can be parked only at the two wheeler parking area allocated by the society or at member’s parking lot.
Due to safety reasons and general police notification, use of terrace is not allowed for any reasons what so ever.
Speed of any vehicle has to be maintained within the limit of 10 km per hour under any circumstances within the society premises.
Bi-cycles cannot be taken upstairs using elevator. Society has already demarked a place for bi-cycle stand.
Shoe racks, flower pots, bi-cycles, kids stroller, storage or any leftover household items / furniture / toys etc. are not allowed to keep in the floor lobby area or stair cases as per the prescribed rules of Fire Department. Any non-adherence of this rule will impose a penalty of Rs.1,000/- per incident.
No pets are allowed. No dog/cat feeding anywhere within the premises. A fine of Rs.1000/- per incident will be imposed.
No feeding of bird and throwing of cigarette buds, hair or any items from upstairs windows are allowed. A fine of Rs.1000/- per incident will be imposed.
Any dishonored cheque(s) from members will impose a penalty of Rs.500/- and our bank charges, if any, for each occurrence.
Payment due date is 20th calendar day of every month. Late payment of maintenance bill / property tax etc. attracts an interest @21% p.a.
No commercial activities, functions or meetings etc. are allowed in any refuge flats.
No commercial activities are allowed in individual flats.
Do not entertain any unauthorized vendor(s) in the society premises.
Any guest / maintenance people from outside has to be registered at the security desk first before taking them upstairs.
In case of any water wastage or overflow of water from respective flat, a fine of Rs.1000/- will be imposed per incident.
Please refrain from sending any commercial emails to society members.
Monthly bill is Rs.3800/- (including Property Tax) per month for each flat till next revision. Non-occupancy charges, parking charges, penalty and interest as applicable as per the bill.
It is not allowed to play football or cricket within the society premises or at the ground floor lobby area. Parents of respective children are damaging property of society or vehicle of any individual will be made responsible. Our securities are informed not to allow any children playing football or cricket within the ground floor lobby or society premises.
Music system should be played in flat within the specific limit so that the neighbors don’t get disturbed.
Permission from society is mandatory before cleaning the outside windows with water.
The duct areas of respective flats can be cleaned with wipers, not spilling by water, where the flats down the line get affected. The garbage of duct areas to be taken out, not to be thrown out to down stairs flat.
Rs 5000/- penalty will be imposed on members who do not submit leave & license agreement within 30 days of expiry of old agreement.
Post dated cheque or advance payment is mandatory for the period of leave & licence agreement.
It is mandatory to return the club house cards to society office before leaving the society.
Club House membership will be granted as per rules & regulations framed by ____________
Bachelor tenants are not allowed.
* Any fine or penalty once imposed cannot be revoked under any circumstances.