Format for Saving Member Details

Picture of Hemant Joshi
Hemant Joshi
Senior Manager - CRM & New Business
Format for Saving Member Details
Wing Flat / Shop No:
Member Details – First Owner
Joint Owner
Last Name Last Name
First Name First Name
Middle Name Middle Name
Date of Birth Date of Birth
Date of Admission Age at admission
Entrance fees Payment date
No. of Shares held Total Amount Received
Serial No. of Share Certificate
Share Capital Transferred to
Share of Interest
Date of cessation of membership Reason for cessation
Communication Details
Permanent Address
Residential Address
Intercom Phone
E-mail Id Mobile
Family & Work Details
Total Family members No of Children
Business details, if run in Flat/Shop
Voluntary Interests
Nomination Details [Under Section 30 (1)]
Full Name
Date of Nomination Recorded
Address of the Nominee
Loan /Mortgage Details
Loan/ Mortgage Date Loan/ Mortgage From
Current Status Year of Completion
Loan /Mortgage Details
4W 2W Make Model Registration No.
4W 2W Make Model Registration No.
Loan /Mortgage Details
Tenant Name
Tenant Permanent Address
Tenant Previous Address
Residing Period: From, Until Tenant Occupation
Tenant Family members Contact No.
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