Bank resolution for change of Signatory

Picture of Hemant Joshi
Hemant Joshi
Senior Manager - CRM & New Business
Date : __________________
The Branch Manager
______________ Bank
______________ Branch
Mumbai – _________
Subject: Reelecting Office Bearers of the Managing Committee of __________________ Co-op Housing Society Ltd; _________________ for further period of 5 years (20___ – 20___)
Refrence : Our Savings Bank Account No_____________
Our Relevant Fixed Deposit Receipts
Dear Sir,
We append below copies of the resolution passed by __________________ Co-op Housing Society Ltd; ___________________________ in its Managing Committee Meeting held on _______________________.
  1. Resolution is passed in the Managing Committee Meeting held on _____________________________. “Resolved that _______________ is elected as the Chairman of the Society, ____________________ is elected as the Secretary of the Society, and ____________________________ is elected as the Treasurer of the Society.

Further resolved that Savings Bank Account No._________________________ with the _________________ Bank Ltd; ________________, Mumbai – ____________________ will be operated by and cheques drawn on the Bank Account to be signed , bills , notes and other negotiable instruments to be drawn accepted and endorsed on behalf of the Society by any two of the following Office – Bearers.
______________ : Chairman
___________ : Hon.Secretary
_________________ : Chairman
_________________ : Hon.Secretary
____________________ : Hon.Treasurer
The above are hereby certified to be true-copies of the resolutions actually passed by the Society.
Thanking You.
Yours faithfully,
For _________ Co-op Hsg. Society Ltd;
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