Navigating Special Meetings of the General Body in a Cooperative Society. 

Picture of Hemant Joshi
Hemant Joshi
Senior Manager - CRM & New Business
In the governance of a cooperative housing society, the General Body Meeting is the supreme authority that guides the society’s direction. However, there are times when urgent matters arise that require immediate attention and cannot wait for the next scheduled meeting. This is where the Special General Body Meeting comes into play. This article explores the provisions for calling such meetings, as outlined in the Model Bye-Laws of a Cooperative Housing Society.
Understanding Special General Body Meetings.
Special General Body Meetings are convened to address specific, urgent matters that require the attention and decision-making power of the General Body. These meetings are called in accordance with bye-law 95 and can be initiated by the Chairman, a majority decision of the Committee, or upon the written requisition of at least 1/5th of the Society’s Members.
Procedures for Calling a Special General Body Meeting
  1. Initiation

  1. The meeting can be called at any time by the Chairman, the Committee, or upon the requisition of the Members.

  1. Notice Period

  1. A notice period of one month is required from the date of receipt of the requisition. In case of an emergency, the Committee can unanimously decide to call the meeting at a shorter notice.

  1. Agenda

  1. The meeting is restricted to the business mentioned in the Notice. Any other matters not requiring proper notice can be discussed after the regular agenda, with the permission of the Chair.

  1. Quorum

  1. The quorum for the Special General Body Meeting is the same as for the Annual General Body Meeting, as per bye-law 99.

  1. Conduct

  1. The Chairman of the Society presides over the meeting, and in their absence, Members elect a presiding officer, as per bye-law 102.

  1. Decision-Making

  1. Decisions are made by a simple majority of Members present and voting, as per bye-law 106.

Significance of Special General Body Meetings
Special General Body Meetings are crucial for the timely resolution of pressing issues that affect the society. They allow for the collective input of Members and ensure that decisions are made in the best interest of the society as a whole.
The provisions for calling Special General Body Meetings in a cooperative society are designed to ensure that the society can respond effectively to urgent matters. By understanding and adhering to these provisions, Members and the Committee can ensure that the society operates efficiently and democratically. As a Member of a cooperative society, it is essential to be aware of these processes to participate actively in the society’s governance.