# | Agenda Points |
I] |
To read and confirm the Minutes of the last AGM / Special General Body Meeting. Mr. ________________, Chairman addressed the meeting by presenting the report to the members in which he took a overview of various activities performed by the Managing Committee during last one year in the interest of the society. He then directed Mr. ________________, Secretary for starting the proceedings as per agenda of the meeting. Mr. _________________, Jt. Secretary read the minutes of the AGM/ Special General Body Meeting held on _______________________ and invited suggestions from members for amendments, if any, for confirmation. Mr. ________________ (Flat/Shop No: ) raised his point on…
Mr. ________________ (Flat/Shop No: ) asked his query…
A general suggestion on ________________ received fro many members present In the meeting to…
Taking considerations the above points the minutes were approved and confirmed and the following resolution was passed unanimously: “Resolved that the minutes of the AGM / Special General Body Meeting held on _____________________ be and are hereby confirmed.” “Further resolved that the Managing Committee report on the working / activities of the society which was circulated to the members be and are hereby confirmed.” Proposed by : Mr. ______________ ( Flat/Shop No: ) and |
II] |
To read and adopt the income and expenditure account and Balance Sheet as on __________. Mr. ___________________ Treasurer, read the income and expenditure account and Balance sheet as on _____________, and invited comments from the members present. Mr. ________________ (Flat/Shop No: ) raised the query on…
Mr. ________________ (Flat/Shop No: ) raised his query…
A general suggestion on ________________ received fro manycommittee members present In the meeting to…
Subsequently all the account details were approved and confirmed. Thereafter the house passed the following resolution: “Resolved that the statutory report on the accounts of the society for the period of ______________ to ______________ received from M/s ___________________, Chartered Accountants, be and hereby approved and adopted.” The resolution was passed unanimously.
Proposed by : Mr. ______________ ( Flat/Shop No: ) and |
III] |
To appoint statutory auditor for the year _________and fix his remuneration. Mr. ___________________ briefed the members about the point and sought the opinion of the members. Post discussion and comments from members, it was decided to appoint the same statutory auditors M/s _____________________________, Chartered Accountants, for the year ___________ and the resolution was passed as follows; “Resolved that M/s ____________________________, Chartered Accountants, ________________________________, Mumbai - ___________; be and are hereby appointed as statutory auditor of the society for the year _______________ on the fees prescribed by the Government of Maharashtra.” The resolution was passed unanimously. Proposed by : Mr. ______________ ( Flat/Shop No: ) and |
IV] | |
V] | |
Vi] |