Sample AGM/SGM Minutes

Picture of Hemant Joshi
Hemant Joshi
Senior Manager - CRM & New Business
Sample AGM/SGM Minutes
Minutes of the____ Annual General Body Meeting of Om Sai Aaradhana Co-op Housing Society Ltd., which was held on ____________________________ at ___________ on ______________________________________, members attended the meeting, were as per the attendance register.
The meeting could not start till ___________ as there was no quorum. The meeting had to be adjourned for half an hour and adjourned meeting was held at __________ with _____ members present as per the Register.
The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Joint-Secretary, Treasurer, Joint-Treasurer and Other Managing Committee members occupied the dais for conducting the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting were conducted as per Agenda.
The Chairman welcomed the society members.
Homage was paid in the memory of the deceased members who passed away during the year.
# Agenda Points

To read and confirm the Minutes of the last AGM / Special General Body Meeting.

Mr. ________________, Chairman addressed the meeting by presenting the report to the members in which he took a overview of various activities performed by the Managing Committee during last one year in the interest of the society. He then directed Mr. ________________, Secretary for starting the proceedings as per agenda of the meeting.

Mr. _________________, Jt. Secretary read the minutes of the AGM/ Special General Body Meeting held on _______________________ and invited suggestions from members for amendments, if any, for confirmation.

Mr. ________________ (Flat/Shop No: ) raised his point on…

  • Mr. ________________ stated that …

Mr. ________________ (Flat/Shop No: ) asked his query…

  • Mr. ________________ replied that …

A general suggestion on ________________ received fro many members present In the meeting to…

  • Mr. _________________ replied that…

Taking considerations the above points the minutes were approved and confirmed and the following resolution was passed unanimously:

“Resolved that the minutes of the AGM / Special General Body Meeting held on _____________________ be and are hereby confirmed.”

“Further resolved that the Managing Committee report on the working / activities of the society which was circulated to the members be and are hereby confirmed.”

Proposed by : Mr. ______________ ( Flat/Shop No: ) and
Seconded by : Mr. ______________ ( Flat/Shop No: )


To read and adopt the income and expenditure account and Balance Sheet as on __________.

Mr. ___________________ Treasurer, read the income and expenditure account and Balance sheet as on _____________, and invited comments from the members present.

Mr. ________________ (Flat/Shop No: ) raised the query on…

  • Mr. ________________ replied by providing …
  • Mr. ________________ further extended that Managing Committee will…

Mr. ________________ (Flat/Shop No: ) raised his query…

  • Mr. ________________ replied that …

A general suggestion on ________________ received fro manycommittee members present In the meeting to…

  • Mr. _________________ replied that…

Subsequently all the account details were approved and confirmed. Thereafter the house passed the following resolution:

“Resolved that the statutory report on the accounts of the society for the period of ______________ to ______________ received from M/s ___________________, Chartered Accountants, be and hereby approved and adopted.”

The resolution was passed unanimously.

Proposed by : Mr. ______________ ( Flat/Shop No: ) and
Seconded by : Mr. ______________ ( Flat/Shop No: )


To appoint statutory auditor for the year _________and fix his remuneration.

Mr. ___________________ briefed the members about the point and sought the opinion of the members.

Post discussion and comments from members, it was decided to appoint the same statutory auditors M/s _____________________________, Chartered Accountants, for the year ___________ and the resolution was passed as follows;

“Resolved that M/s ____________________________, Chartered Accountants, ________________________________, Mumbai - ___________; be and are hereby appointed as statutory auditor of the society for the year _______________ on the fees prescribed by the Government of Maharashtra.” The resolution was passed unanimously.

Proposed by : Mr. ______________ ( Flat/Shop No: ) and
Seconded by : Mr. ______________ ( Flat/Shop No: )

The Chair __________________, on behalf of the Managing Committee, expressed vote of thanks to all members and sought and co-operation in its efforts to keep the society neat and clean and appealed to the members to _________________________________________________________________.
The Chair __________________, on behalf of the Managing Committee, expressed vote of thanks to all members and sought and co-operation in its efforts to keep the society neat and clean and appealed to the members to _________________________________________________________________.
As there was no other agenda, item or matter to be discussed, the meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
Yours Sincerely,
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