Have a meeting with the internal committee members and finalize the date and the agenda of the AGM.
The Chairman, Secretary and the Treasurer need to be present as they are the key members.
Select the venue of the meeting. It usually is held within the premises of the housing society.
A notice has to be sent to all members of the housing society at least 21 days in advance.
The president, secretary and treasurer need to sign on the financials. After that the financials are shared with the auditor for his / her signatures and preparation of auditor report
Appoint auditors for the next year and their remuneration.
Prepare the annual report, which highlights the work undertaken by the committee in the previous year and the plans for the next year.
Circulate the annual report to all members of the housing society 14 clear days prior to the date of AGM.
Get the minutes of last year’s AGM and collate a list of all resolutions passed that year.
Also, prepare committee members to answer questions from the residents.
Attendance of the members with their signatures against the flat number
If at the given time the quorum is not sufficient please adjourn the meeting for half an hour
Once the quorum is established, the President welcomes all and the meeting is called to order. Quorum has to be 2/3 rd or 20 whichever is less
If within half an hour after the time appointed for General body meeting of the society, there is no quorum the meeting if convened upon the requisition of the members shall be dissolved. In any other case it shall be adjourned to a later hour on the same day and at the same place, as may have been specified in the notice, calling the General Body Meeting of the society or to a subsequent date, not earlier than 7 days and not later than 30 days and at such adjourned General Body Meeting, the business on the agenda of the original General Body Meeting shall be transacted whether there is a quorum or not.
Minutes of last year’s AGM is read, approved, and confirmed.
Financial report for the last financial year is accepted and approved.
Flats sold/transferred in the housing society, which are in the Annual report are approved.
Admission of new members is ratified.
Ways and means to tackle regular defaulters are discussed.
If there are any members of the society who are non-cooperative, how to tackle them is also discussed.
Discuss the appointment of auditors for the next financial year and their remuneration.
Discuss issues related to common areas like parking spaces, playgrounds, park, lifts, etc
Discuss salary hikes of staff like security guards, maintenance staff, etc (optional)
Any other matter may be discussed with the permission of the President.
Vote of Thanks.
Sr.No. | Particulars | Section / Byelaw | Task Milestones |
1 | Closure Of Accounts | Byelaw no146(a) | Within 45 Days From Closure Of Year |
2 | Statutory Audit | Section 81 | Within Four Months From Closure Of The Year i.e- 31 July |
3 | Filing Of Returns With Dy Registrar Online | Section 79 1 A | Within Six Months From Closure Of The Year i.e- 30 September |
4 | Filing Of Form O | Section 82 Rule 73 | Within 03 Months From The Date Of Audit Report i.e - 30 October |
5 | Appointment Of Auditor, Consent And Filing Of Return Of Auditor'S Appointment | Sections 79 1B | Appointment In The Agm And Filing Of Return Within One Month From The Date Of Agm i.e. 30 October |
6 | Circulating Draft Minutes Of General Body Meeting | Bye Law No 108 | Circulating Within 15 Days For Objections To Be Received In Next 15 Days |
7 | Finalising Draft Minutes Of Any General Body Meeting | Bye Law No 108 | Finalizing Draft Minutes Within 03 Months of the date of the general body meeting and circulate amongst all the members of the society with in 15 days of the meeting of the committee at which draft minutes were finalized |
8 | Disposal Of Application For Membership | Section 22 (2) | Within Three Months From The Date Of Receipt |
9 | Disposal Of Application For Nomination | Bye Law No 33 | Within Seven Days From Date Of Mc Meeting Recording Nomination |
10 | Education And Training Fund Contribution | Rule 53 | Yearly Before 30 September |
11 | Sinking Fund Deposit | Every Quarterly / Half Yaerly / Yearly Before 31St March |