The First Meeting of the New Committee in a Cooperative Society: A Critical Juncture.

Picture of Hemant Joshi
Hemant Joshi
Senior Manager - CRM & New Business
In the life of a cooperative housing society, the first meeting of the newly elected committee is a pivotal event that sets the tone for the society’s governance and management for the ensuing years. This article delves into the significance of this meeting, the procedures to be followed, and the responsibilities that the new committee shoulders, as outlined in the Model Bye-Laws of a Cooperative Housing Society.
The Importance of the First Meeting
The first meeting of the new committee is a foundational moment where the committee members come together to elect their office bearers and chart the course for the society’s future. It is a time for setting priorities, establishing working relationships, and ensuring a smooth transition from the outgoing committee.
Procedures for the First Meeting
  1. Notice and Convening

  1. The first meeting of the new committee must be held within 30 days of its constitution, as per bye-law 121(a). The Secretary of the outgoing committee issues the notice for this meeting, and in case of any failure, the Chairman of the outgoing committee or the Registration Authority may call the meeting.

  1. Election of Office Bearers

  1. The committee, at its first meeting, elects a Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer from among its members, as per bye-law 120. These office bearers hold office for a period of five years or until the expiry of the committee’s term.

  1. Handing Over of Charge

  1. The outgoing Chairman hands over the charge of the office and all papers and property of the society to the new Chairman, as per the provisions of Section 160 of the MCS Act 1960, as outlined in bye-law 123.

  1. Custody of Records

  1. All records of the society are to be kept at its premises, convenient to the secretary, with the approval of the committee, as per bye-law 122.

Responsibilities of the New Committee
The new committee is entrusted with a range of responsibilities, including:
  1. Management of Affairs

  1. The committee is responsible for the management of the society’s affairs, as per bye-law 110.

  1. Financial Management

  1. The committee opens a banking account and manages the society’s funds, as per bye-law 112.

  1. Quorum and Meetings

  1. The committee ensures that a quorum is present for its meetings and that meetings are held regularly, as per bye-law 113 and 114.

  1. Election and Co-optation

  1. The committee may co-opt members and conducts its elections once every five years, as per bye-law 114.

  1. Conflict of Interest

  1. Committee members must avoid conflicts of interest, as per bye-law 115.

  1. Eligibility

  1. The committee ensures that members meet the eligibility criteria for serving on the committee, as per bye-law 116.

  1. Property Management

  1. The committee is responsible for maintaining the society’s property and ensuring it is insured, as per bye-law 130.

The first meeting of the new committee in a cooperative society is a critical juncture that sets the stage for effective governance and management. By understanding and adhering to the procedures and responsibilities outlined in the Model Bye-Laws, the new committee can ensure a smooth transition and contribute to the welfare and development of the society. As a member of a cooperative society, it is essential to be aware of these processes to participate actively in the society’s governance.